Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Stepping into my 20th..This years perhaps is my life most memorable
16th Jun..2008.. Guess This is the most memorable period of my 20th time celebrating in my life..This entry will be long.. But is to list out the most important stage of my life bridge..Let's Begin..xDD..
Could says it started on 15th Jun. Personally went down to the *sunshine plaza* to print out the "stage" card, together with the "stage" T- Shirt.. In order to present a memorable gift to the birthday ger..Soon, went down to mdc to see the "U Are The One" finals..Meanwhile, while waiting in the carpark, wrote and design the b'dae card and personally passes the gift to *Rah*.. To see her receive it in a "super HiGH" mood.. was very contented and touched.. Haa..
During the finals of WWDZ.. the atmosphere was so high.. And heard some *mini mini machiam machiam* kind of info regarding the clelebration, which will be rightly on 12am..*curiousity* was high.. After the show, the timer is slowly ticking down.. and guess wad.. Olivia was there starting to counting down.. *8 mins..2 mins..* Haa..
12am reached... everybody brought their belongings down to the taxi-stand @ mdc.. and the celebration started.Before it started, likewise i saw hmm..two bags containing water bags and a glimpse of powder..Haa.. Tell you wad.. actually I've started notice it when I saw the water flow trace le... kekkekekeke:) Soon it started..
Round 1!!! Water Bombs.. LOL.. thought I can escape it by jumping from left to right. But still kena lahx..Round 2!! Flour... Omg.. Kena till siaos... Rah and I is the main role that night.. But still kena the most jialats.. and even the packet of flour is poured to the back of the shirt of mine.Haa..LOls.. Pics!
Next.. This Paragraph is to goes out to the following people:
Rah -- Hope you like the gift I have given you..Erm.. I specially felt really heartfelt especially this year.. Remember the misunderstanding at the start when we first met.. It persist for quite a period of time.. And really glad that It had been resolved..Hope this gift will really touches your heart orhs.. Takkire ..

Vonne -- Hmm...this is the 2nd birthday that you have celebrated with me..Still kept the present that you gave to me.. 16th June 07 .. the laptop bag as well as the purse currently holding.. Treasured it lotsa.. as well as the comments receive via sms, comments..Though sometimes really let you down.. but you still the best kaes? Ni shi zui bang de..Haa
Peiyi -- Hey ger.. Thanks for everything that you have done... Was very appreciated with the b'dae celebration that you have personally planned..It was fun really.. and should be in my mind forever..You have been nice and great..no regret in knowing a good gal like you in my life..**
Kelly -- U are also very important in among the frens I've known.. Still remember the chatting conversation.. regardless is either in msn or at mdc or even outside.. you've always been nice to me.. *obviously, I will also treat you nice too..* Hey guys and gals who reading this.. "don't bully her arh.. A nice lady that is special* Juz a message to you.. it's okay didn't receive anything from you.. but one thing that is valuable without $$.. that is frenship.. the comments you left on my friendster have already sweetens me.. Thx everything .. muz stay in contact arh..Haa.=DDD..Work hard in studies kaes. --> BBT -- Wo Men Zi Jian... is for our frenship..
Joey -- Thanks for the care and concern for the past 4 months.. enjoy every seconds having joy and working on the fan club together.. it was great. truely.. Though at the start got certain misunderstanding.. But it's resolved.. And Best lucks in whatever you aim for.. Stay in contact too....=DD..
JS -- If you are reading this.. it is specially dedicated to you.. thanks for the best wishes receive from you.. and those every bits of effort you have either shared with me.. was really great to know you..Haa..:)
Grace -- Another nice lady..Was really happy you can share your thoughts with me..Still remember every bits of moments.. was great that willing to share with you on either leisure stuff or whenever you faces probs with school stuff.. I more than willing to help.. Dats for sure..Must keep in contact okaes? and best luck in everything..Haas..
Olivia and Others -- Thanks and many many thanks to you all as well as the best wishes either from friendsters.. sms ..tagboard..Will really miss the period when we gathered together.. it's *U Are the One* competition that bring us together.. its great..Thanks for everything..
And also thanks everyone who have given me best wishes.. Really appreciate it!!
My ending note..U all are the one who brightens my life.. Frens forever..:)