Sunday, September 14, 2008
14th September...
This day, is always very special..
Cos' its someone b'day today..
This particular post is dedicated to her, peifen
This day, is always very special..
Cos' its someone b'day today..
This particular post is dedicated to her, peifen
This post is specially dedicated to her as this should the 4th/5th year into supporting her since..
From the starting of xgjy, which I was starting recognize to your voice into the radio industry..but the real period that motivates me was during your night hosting nyx castle (尼克斯的城堡)..have been catching it every night and this programme was being stayed for being quite a long period of time..meanwhile was glad to hear your shift during the hosting in the evening shift 哥哥妹妹站起来, the night shift hosting with jiahui P.J party, the noon shift 下午茶白日梦 as well as the current shift with cruz 就是万人迷..
Also glad that you have been growing consistently also within the tv screen with 到底在那里, 绝对superstar final, 非常superband 1 final, 美丽百分百, the star awards 2006 series as well as the recently s-pop, 简单就是美 and the current 非常superband..and also happie for her to produce her radio programme stories 大头芬的世界.
Would like to wish her a memorable b'day this year and best lucks in whatever she pursues and also in her career..hope this year will be even memorable to her..
Best wishes,