Sunday, August 24, 2008
Updates again..This is going to be a long entry..
让老父子在他的space.. summarise
Friday..went to Chongqing's 周公讲鬼 autograph session..was happy for him that his album was finally released..Those stories will a worth to listen, so do grab a copy as well to support him..
Managed to saw yahui, Mutong as well as..peifen..Hahas!
Saturday.. It was mainly in a High mood rather than the negative.. My beloved bag zipper went to the cloud nine..Arghs! But sincerely thanks to joey for the saving..Thanks alots..
Around 4.30pm, finally met hazel for the first time..we turned an u-turn to the Hong Kong cafe which we had met at the hmv earlier on..Managed to get a interactive chatting with her .Managed to get to know much about each other..and managed to get a picture with her before she left..

While walking towards there, we went past a balloon sculpture tent for the charity, so me , rah and joey donated and get the balloon we wanna..and Js and rah was so scared that the birdie balloon siting on the seat between them will burst anytime..Madnesss~~Then off to esplanade to catch the performance..
Random pics..Balloon siao

Was delighted to catch kewei performance, that was a nice performance.. Jiahui was there and managed to get catch her on performance for quite a while.. Kaira Gong.. The vocal was always there and the 2nd song kept me in solemnly on the atmosphere..