Wednesday, September 24, 2008
2nd post of the day..
Last sunday..was really long awaiting..Get off from the dreamland trail to get ready to J8 to catch Elva Hsiao performing..five years later, she was here again..The previous year, she should have appeared in town for the promotion of "1087" album..
这是有感染力的坚强, 勇敢的 Elva"
The following pictures is credited to chris.. Thanks for the photos.. (:

Last monday, wugeren was eliminated from superband..but was really a massive achievement to come into so far, especially just one more step to reach the finals. Experience factors..a talented band with lots of 才华 in each of the band members..a bright future in the music industry as superband provided a new platform to their 音乐世界..青春就是本钱..Nice to meet u guys throughout the months..jiayous..