feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Its valentines day.. the 14 feburary.
To those who are attached to ur' love ones, god bless a bliss love relationship...

Every year of this day, was really quite a torture.
Maybe as I step from the age of eighteen, I already feel getting alone..
In fact, in loyal, 2 relationship has gone past..
But the very first one, gives me lots of memories..

How time flies, 8 years has gone..
That was during primary 6..
And that's the year, i flunk my psle and went to normal.T with 10 points off the requirement to go N.A
It was really silly during that time, where I was just too young to feel the maturity of into relationship..
Remembered the days, everyday came to class..
helping her, the ways we get together happily..
sharing the sorrow with her, when both of us suffered the same fate during those tests..
and in the past, she was the belle of the ballot.
And I remembered the guy who gives competition of chasing her..
And that time, at a young age, I was already *sour*ed. 吃醋..

八年了, 你还好吗?
记得当时, 是得到小六会考的成绩, 也是最后一次相遇
想起来, 还真的后悔当初没和你拿任何的联络的方法。
可是到了现在, 我还是记得每一个情节的那段日字
虽然, 那时, 真的太过早成熟了。十二岁而已

八年侯的今天, 我还是单身。
我并不是没有理想对象, 只是终觉得不会有结局。
我不是惧怕。。只是到头来, 发现到例外一方是attached/理想对象。。
心理当然会不好受, 当时也没办法, 只好任命了。

Happy valentine's day.