Happiness.."Messy"ness.. Unhealthyness..
This is the three things that matters to me, this week..throughout..
Happiness -- Life can be easily filled with happiness with just..A single bit of delightfulness..
Monday..Managed to catch a glimpse of my foreva' no.1.. Peifen.. A small action like a smile and a wave.. indeed, can make your days brightened..
"Messy"ness -- Heard many negative points..P.S.. You doesn't need to know who I am referring to, even you wanna found out, it's not going to be easy..
Imagine.. Being frank and honest, People will be kind towards you.. But if you are just not bringing out the truth of yourself, You are making yourself hiding in the dark hole without catching any glimpse of actual facts of light..
Unhealthyness -- Have not been in the usual shape.A much hypo of myself is not here..But I'm recovering..=DDD
*Thanks to someone. who able to share thoughts with me...
Looking forward to this weekend..xDD..
Emotionally low.. Dats not myself Man!!
This entry is dedicated to Qiuting..Especially

23nd February..This is the day that makes me memorable.. The first day I met you in person.First sight, you gave me an impression. Cheerful, sweet, and Tall lady..That is the time, I make up my mind that, you will possibly by my best person that I have met so far...Meanwhile, some negative situation, have got you and me mistaken..Which I have still regretted so far..I'm sorry

27th February - I've done my first item for you..which is the 1st ever poster I've done for you..The scene of you holding it happpily with the tears rolling in your eyes, the thankfulness that you show, has warmth my heart..The warmth words from you regarding to the misunderstanding is still in my mind, but it wasn't ur' fault.. I remember I kept saying upteenth times..
Mid-March - This is the period where you have your first training session for your 国纪标准舞.. for your first show performance.. Did remember I went down there is during your 2nd training session which the 1st training, I had school till evening.. Your effort in it, Ive seen it..

25th March - After weeks of doing the 8 designs for the fan club as well for you.. It was finally done..Still remember the scene that you are so happy to see the banner as well as the posters done for you.. The scene of you writing down on the poster is forever remains in my mind..
7th Apr -- This is the day, that I will definitely remember in my life.. Your first performances..Was looking forward to it every now and then.. The weeks of effort that you've put in.. was not gone to waste. To me, no matter whats the outcome, It's okay. As well that you enjoy, that will be fine..Till the semis-final, your every actions and doings.. Have make me happy.. Even though when I'm down, its you that brighten's my day..
2nd Jun -- This is the day where elimination begins.. Like the last time, I promises.. I will not cry despite the outcome..You wanted us to be happy and think positively.. That night, after the show had ended, I was indeed emo..Dats for sure.. Think back of the previous performances and the words that you have said to me.. I'be strong coz' you doesn't want to see us in such a state.. That day, is also the day you are free from pressure. Saw you and ur' friends chatting happily and also the time u spent wif us'.. It was great and warming..

15th Jun -- That is the last time that I will see you reporting out of the mediacorp for the "U Are The One" competition.That night, I was in a happier and unbearable mood.. Though it was my birthday that day..Still remember of the sight that you looks scared with my "Uncle" sight of me..
21st Jun -- This is the day that will bring us together for the one last time. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY gathering..Still remembered that the two days before that day.. Joey and Me have went down to the T-Shirt shop to do the T-Shirt for the fan club and for you..And also nicely piced out the best stuff for the party we planned for you.. We wanted to be memorable for you. During that actual day, pumpings the balloon of the heart shape, pasting the "Happy B'Day" banner, all those small tiny preparing, done for you is to give you a perfect and memorable 21st birthday to you. When it comes to the end of the gathering.. I started to have a feeling which is unbearable.. Unbearable is because coz will not be seeing you often in future. Unbearable coz the things and the warmth words and action have kept appearing when I saw you write the notes on the T-Shirt.. Alots of unbearable..
Qiuting-Jie.. Thanks for everything that you have done for the past 4 months.. You have been great throughout..Thanks for the consoling and words that warmth my heart.. Thanks for every action that you have done as well the performances you have put up.. Will always remember..Always remember orh, No matter what, Must keep in contact okaes? I will miss you much..Coz You have been great throughout..
Qiuting.. U are simply you are the one in my heart..
Next.. This Paragraph is to goes out to the following people:
Rah -- Hope you like the gift I have given you..Erm.. I specially felt really heartfelt especially this year.. Remember the misunderstanding at the start when we first met.. It persist for quite a period of time.. And really glad that It had been resolved..Hope this gift will really touches your heart orhs.. Takkire ..

Vonne -- Hmm...this is the 2nd birthday that you have celebrated with me..Still kept the present that you gave to me.. 16th June 07 .. the laptop bag as well as the purse currently holding.. Treasured it lotsa.. as well as the comments receive via sms, comments..Though sometimes really let you down.. but you still the best kaes? Ni shi zui bang de..Haa
Peiyi -- Hey ger.. Thanks for everything that you have done... Was very appreciated with the b'dae celebration that you have personally planned..It was fun really.. and should be in my mind forever..You have been nice and great..no regret in knowing a good gal like you in my life..**
Kelly -- U are also very important in among the frens I've known.. Still remember the chatting conversation.. regardless is either in msn or at mdc or even outside.. you've always been nice to me.. *obviously, I will also treat you nice too..* Hey guys and gals who reading this.. "don't bully her arh.. A nice lady that is special* Juz a message to you.. it's okay didn't receive anything from you.. but one thing that is valuable without $$.. that is frenship.. the comments you left on my friendster have already sweetens me.. Thx everything .. muz stay in contact arh..Haa.=DDD..Work hard in studies kaes. --> BBT -- Wo Men Zi Jian... is for our frenship..
Joey -- Thanks for the care and concern for the past 4 months.. enjoy every seconds having joy and working on the fan club together.. it was great. truely.. Though at the start got certain misunderstanding.. But it's resolved.. And Best lucks in whatever you aim for.. Stay in contact too....=DD..
JS -- If you are reading this.. it is specially dedicated to you.. thanks for the best wishes receive from you.. and those every bits of effort you have either shared with me.. was really great to know you..Haa..:)
Grace -- Another nice lady..Was really happy you can share your thoughts with me..Still remember every bits of moments.. was great that willing to share with you on either leisure stuff or whenever you faces probs with school stuff.. I more than willing to help.. Dats for sure..Must keep in contact okaes? and best luck in everything..Haas..
Olivia and Others -- Thanks and many many thanks to you all as well as the best wishes either from friendsters.. sms ..tagboard..Will really miss the period when we gathered together.. it's *U Are the One* competition that bring us together.. its great..Thanks for everything..
And also thanks everyone who have given me best wishes.. Really appreciate it!!
My ending note..U all are the one who brightens my life.. Frens forever..:)
Times really flies... 3 Months of focusing on "U Are The One"..It's coming to an end..
Will miss all the contestants.. especially devoted to the one I support as frens since the start..
Jiayous to the top 8 finalist..Must do the beri best and bring out the best show tonite..
Looking forward to the 11pm aftermath.. Haa. It's gonna be a great day to end and begins..
Zooms Off..
Hrs counting down to Ours Birthday.. Wheets~*
P.S.. this message is also goes down to rah and Ivy!!
Wednesday..To me, was yet another day going to school having to discuss the project stuff..New application to learn, which the teacher had not even gone through with us before..OMY Tian..Dooms..*juz kiddin'..
As usual, went to the campus canteen to have lunch with my "excellent school mate" haa..:P..after coming back to the library..ten minutes later received a call frm peiyi, who came down personally to my sch nearest mrt, to get the game charger from me..but she's really blur lahx..*dun elaborate much..haha..she mite be seeing..LOL
Stay in sch till 7.30pm..and went to cine to have dinner with someone..the meal was wheets..machiam have the rewards after whole afternoon of effort put in..Then have a walk-around at dere..den back hme..=D...
Ending note...
4 days more to Ours B'dae..
Wheets..I have reopen my blog with a new browser..Hmm..Under construction for the final process..So Do tag and Hmm... If you guys wanna me to link you, just tag in the shoutout box... Cya:)