Thursday, July 31, 2008
哎呀..Should update my space here le..
This week, I have began my earliest weekend on friday. As Today and Monday won't be having any lesson..therefore will be finding things to do..If there's any outings, do count me in..=P
Last Sun.. Have managed to done a feat that should be me and my fellow best project mates.. Geetha, highest record of hours in library so far..a duration of 10 hours..
Words to her : 6 projects in 1 and a half years. It's great to have a nice project partnership with you..You've been a good coordinator and a good friend..thanks lotsa' for the trust on me..
Monday had went to superband to catch 五个人 perform..was in a enthusiastic mood! Congrats to them..and managed to joke around with boris and take some pics with tingting, hiroshi n k.y..and the following day, got sick le..omytian.. Cough* cough*.. ah choo* ah choo*
Meanwhile, I gulp this down..think will kena complain by people le..
Ice tea..Raspberry flavour!!
Wednesday..COS presenation over le..was in a hype mood and went to bring my mum to have a meal..during the evening, had managed to catch "Money Not Enough 2".. Was another highly thumbs-up film..brings out the everydays life of the locals..the problems we faced..meanwhile there's some scenes that will 催泪..good remarks..The following day went to the school during noon and receive some good news that motivates me..Sometimes, small single good matter will brightens the life..I agree.
This week.. have been annoyed by an incident..
I plan to keep it private
I plan to keep it private
Patience is my virtue..
The past few weeks..have a lot thoughts in my mind...
I think it's time to wrote it down's time..
Being grateful.. does it really have to be in..
Every week, there is certainly have such day when I managed to see one of my favorites in my wish list..Yet, almost week there were be a calling out of her "name" towards the stage..But I felt it annoyed..Instead of simply just calling out her name but it normally came with a another two annoyed words that I simply feel so uncomfortable..Every now and then it happens..I feel so ashamed, 尴尬..but I simply try to swallow it down by waving back towards her as a based of respect and courtesy..
Every time,I did remind that don't kept calling in this way..But it seems that you have not bring my words into your brain..Am I just wasting my saliva..Sometimes I hope it wasn't but it seems it does not turns out to be..
In the exact age, you are at the age that everybody seems to have the thinking of you are stepping into the next stage of your life..As the age rises, maturity mindset is a must have..Sometimes you might agree that the doings is for the sake of good for ur' friends around you..But sometimes what you think isn't what people might have the same mindset as you..Take a scenario that you have a piece of paper, you will have to think twice what you want to bring out the idea in order to let others agree with the mindset you might have come up..before you draw on it and not just scrambling..Similarly, you must draft it out to come up with words that will not let the other party gets annoyed..Actions is also plays a part in maturity, it is always a matter of 给对方的印象..有时候能说你不在意形象..但是要想想身边和你最亲的朋友们...
Appreciate.. in a right way
Appreciate..seemingly, I will always remember every tiny bits that you have done for me..but does not in the sense that have to keep mentioning in speaking..It's trying to make me feel that I did own you something that I should bring out a better way to repay you..appreciate is a thing that doesn't need to be so obvious to be widely shown, it just came from the heart..Sometimes you have shown your appreciate, you wanted the person to remember..but when the other party shows it back, instead of showing back the same way but I have the thinking that complimenting and seamlessly just accepting it in a 想不要但还是接受的心态...
This blog entry.. I don't know you will use what kind of thinking you might be floating in your mind.I mentioned it becoz' I treasure you in the sense I just helping you to draft out the way you should be in..不要对我说抱歉, 因为不是错在于你自己而只是心态上的问题..
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday lurhs...Looking forward over the coming weekends..*期待..期待..期待..
Yesterday..Hmm~ Have entrepreneur presentation in the morning..Definitely it wasn't perfect as we have not had any experience before..But have a closer look at how organization is being structured..And have COS test, *cold sweat* managed to get it through..紧张..紧张..紧张..
Went to meet up with sis to have dinner with her..It has been a long time I ever touched on the pineapple rice..*Munch* and bought *promegranate peach frapppuccino* from starbucks.. It's a new flavour and it taste nice..
Thursday == nite class.. *arghs!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
2.52am and counting.. still awake blogging~~
Tuesday have not been a good day to spent.. Have been rushing out the presentation material and went down to Wala Wala during the night, to clear the day thoughts..Phew!
Let's blogged about monday. Went off from the school library at around 2.30pm and went to meet peiyi..And went to the north-canteen to purchase *冷'牛奶'* Hahas! Soon went down to the amphitheatre to look for 牛奶..and peiyi pass to him the bubble tea once he performed his rehearsal final song 愧儡..牛奶 was himself, kind and suave..
At 5.30pm.. 嘻哈新舞王 performs his school concert..Sang lots of his songs in his new album as well as two of his songs in the previous EP album..and there was encore which he sang everyone's favourite..热牛奶..COOL!! And went to mdc to catch superband and also catch the final glimpse of him in his final 通告 in his latest album promotion..
Round up this entry with this..
At 5.30pm.. 嘻哈新舞王 performs his school concert..Sang lots of his songs in his new album as well as two of his songs in the previous EP album..and there was encore which he sang everyone's favourite..热牛奶..COOL!! And went to mdc to catch superband and also catch the final glimpse of him in his final 通告 in his latest album promotion..
Round up this entry with this..
Monday, July 21, 2008
Counting..Four days since I've lasted my words here.
This weekend..have been filled with happiness.
Have let the time goes by, focusing on one person "Milk..叶乃文"..
Saturday -- Went down to the nearest shopping mall near my housing state to collect my Milk album.. Was in a normal mood at that time and went down to J8 to get my album being signed.
5.30pm ticks..Milk's appeared..Was in a hype mood when watching him performed 脱逃术 and 热牛奶 respectively..Get it captured..
*He performed another turn when performing his move during the 脱逃术 performance.. but it was cool!!
Waited for the albums to get it signed personally by him.Although the entire process takes longer than expected, but it's worth it as managed to take a duo pics with him..*Specially likes it as this is the first time that I would be able to have a picture with a talented artiste like him..Happie Many Many!

You are impressive..Jiayous..
Sunday -- Went down to LWS music school open-house and came down to IMM to catches Milk's, energy as well as other artiste peforming in 933 金曲全威25 concert..The atmosphere was so high!! Especially when Milk perform on the stage with energy since 5 years ago.."爱到某年某一天..~~" as well as Milk performance..Peiyi, Xueting, Olivia and guys were there..Especially peiyi and olivia..Hahas! Congrats on 933 top20 charts for the 25 year anniversary..Keep going!!
Will be attending superband and continuing turning around on 牛奶
- @ Nyp, "舞是刀"校园音乐会
- Superband as special guest
Good lucks on the 6 groups performing today..
Will be attending superband and continuing turning around on 牛奶
- @ Nyp, "舞是刀"校园音乐会
- Superband as special guest
Good lucks on the 6 groups performing today..
*Someone is getting her pre-birthday present.. Hmm~
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
First Sentence is specially dedicated to her:
My dearest sis of 20 years with me.. Happy Belated's Birthday!! Hope you like the 爱心巧可力..Though this small token is not enough to fill the entire 20 years life that you've cared for me..But I treasured every moment..(: .. Thanks lots Laojie!
Monday.. went to school for regular school work..And went to watch superband to support erzuoju..
But meanwhile, mysteriously my laptop power adapter went gone-case..Rush down to Funan IT Mall to get it settled, as my beloved PA went into the history book..Hahas! Reach to TP and bought my honey bubble tea and Passion Green Tea for JS.. *Message to her if she reading this..You have grabbed an accurate timing as the time you called me, I just done my purchasing of my bubble tea..*And also bought Pocky and Dark chocolate Ferreo Roche while on the way..(Hope kelly & peiyi liked it..As to why..Hmm..随着心里的感觉走吧..randomly*)
Once I reached mediacorp..Saw Kelly, Peiyi as well as sangeren..(Coz' the other 2 didn't came down for the recording..) and seated with Xueting and others in the studio.. Although the outcome of the results is unexpected.. But still wishes them all the best in the revival (: Jiayous!
Tuesday.. went to collect my beloved phone back...And sat with xt at the starbucks at wisma to have a casual talk..and drank another new flavour of their product..Wheets!
Wed..Middle of the week came..
This weekend is the week that I'm looking forward!!Hahas!
Monday, July 14, 2008
This short weekend..
To me, is properly spent..meanwhile it came with a breeze..with the weekdays comes after the 48 hours of weekends
This past 48 hours.."I...."
Saturday -- Was managing certain school stuffs during the day before setting off to look for erzuoju..went off at about 6pm to repair my beloved phone..In a ridiculous way, I had drag it for about a month and a half period to take the initiative to go and repair..*Laziness causes? Nahx..It just I couldn't find any time* .. Excuses! Hahas! And went to compass point to meet someone to have a talk and dinner.. But the meal was being spoilt by some certain incourtesy manner of a restaraunt employee..
Expected me to be more attentive as before, too bad I'm still a blur image of myself..
Went to purchase a new flavour being introduced by ferrero dark chocolate products..
Saw it at the counter there.. with a sudden urge and bought it at a packet of 3 costing 2.50 bucks..Minutes later, she told me there was a more reasonable price of a packet of 12 costing just 7.50...Imagine I feel damn sotong when I notices it..Zzz
Sunday -- Nearly *nua* the whole afternoon..Done some researching on the school projects and went down to the nearby bakery to purchase a black forest birthday cake for my upcoming sis Birthday pre-celebration..

Played 3 rounds and I didn't 杠大旗 this time round.. Whoots!
Known another bowling kaki this evening.. is him that gives me the motivation.. Thanks lotsa'
Going to the study land again in the day.. And will be attending superband during the evening..
Good and best lucks to erzuoju as well as the other 6 teams performing this week..
Weekdays again to follows, hope everything will goes well..
Played 3 rounds and I didn't 杠大旗 this time round.. Whoots!
Known another bowling kaki this evening.. is him that gives me the motivation.. Thanks lotsa'
Going to the study land again in the day.. And will be attending superband during the evening..
Good and best lucks to erzuoju as well as the other 6 teams performing this week..
Weekdays again to follows, hope everything will goes well..
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Decided to come and do a posting while waiting for the Camera and PSP to be charge till to a certain limit..ZzzZz.
Thursday -- Went to school during the morning to handle with the project stuff..It was getting tougher as the projects flows go on..Was also rushing for the powerpoint which is going to be presented during the following day..*pia aR.!* Went through the night classes again and went to meet up with Joey @ Northpoint..Managed to share her's and mine thoughts..Though was only an hour long conversation..we've chatted alots..Thanks for spending some of your time to have a chat with me..There's alots of chances to come..I believe..Thanks lots!
of shots, I had taken with her..coz' the other shots
Friday -- Went through a tense period during the presentations..Thanks god, nothing goes wrong during the entire process..and type pages of test plan afterwards. And heard from mates..Emily..不下苦功, 但是分数全归你..难道一点心虚都没有吗? I don't want to say much about the guy..Just that if emily read this entry, you should know who I referring to..
Went out to accompany mum to have lunch and a walk with her..And met up with my sis and her friend @ geylang..Have a nice feast of dinner ... 田鸡粥 and another dish of 豆苗..Ate quite fast, as if I was dying of hunger..Took some pictures at there.. will be posted up later..
Its' weekend!!
Went out to accompany mum to have lunch and a walk with her..And met up with my sis and her friend @ geylang..Have a nice feast of dinner ... 田鸡粥 and another dish of 豆苗..Ate quite fast, as if I was dying of hunger..Took some pictures at there.. will be posted up later..
Its' weekend!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Three days have gone past..
I've neglected my small space of diary..HAAS!
Monday -- Went to mediacorp to catch superband. Congrats to the six groups who advances.
After that, waited for hours till 2am plus.. to send off the six groups back to their home..
That night, was able to bond with several different members of some of the groups..
Jun (Drummer of YiShiJie) - As you look on screen, he was cool.After some conversation, he was really kind and caring.. Was also a "casual-chat" character to get along with..
Hiroshi (WuGeRen) - Someone's favourite!.. Haas! Great character. Initiative to start conversation and he was the type that you can brought any topics and he will talk thoroughly on it..without any *Interaction problems..* He's the type of 新好男人.
And congrats to ChenLiang and the rest of 大风吹 members..Jiayous all the way..
Tuesday - Went down to see kewei's performance and spent the night at starbucks in Holland V with xt...was really hooked to the beverages that they are selling.. Had drank white chocolate mocha on tuesday..and Dark chocolate mocha on wednesday night..

Candid Pictures of the day.. You may just wonder why do ambulance will have their wordings "ambulance" in a reflection way shown on the roads of singapore.. Where do you find another place which brings out the same way.. *Hints, is a logo..Haas!

Thursday.. Night class to follow.. Arghs!..

Thursday.. Night class to follow.. Arghs!..
Monday, July 7, 2008
Yesterday..I had overcome from emo-ness. Thanks to someone :D
Sunday..Spent the entire afternoon at home. Was finding information for one of the school projects..Soon after having my late-lunch, Switch on Teevee and saw 格斗天王..Interest was suddenly changed to there. Spent the next 1 hour to watch the drama..
* Weird huh? Nearly 2 years old of drama, I re-watched again.. But the story concept was good:)
Left home in the evening and went down to the Toa Payoh to purchase something..Soon after that, went to meet up to play bowling..
得练习了..不然改次就 "丑大了"..
Played 3 rounds, Landed up with only one round that is normal..Hahas!
Have dinner with my sis and the close-friends of her..and went to play "sticks!"..
* I guess I'm really getting adrift of the games that I've played when I'm young..
Going to watch superband tonite..Best lucks to the groups that will be performing tonite:D
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Just want to use this small little tiny space here.. To bottled out my thoughts here..
Yesterday..should say this early morning, was in a room..facing in a cozy room with the coldness and laptop..I thought alots. I was really 心里很不满..不满在与我自己..I do things, which really does not go through the right direction..Perhaps, friends around me might thought that, I still the kind of carefree life..嘻嘻哈哈的那种类型..I'm just hiding my thoughts in my brain..
Friendship..there is gain and loss. The gain is I strengthened the bonding..In the sense that before, we have not spoken much either.. However, I loss some of the bondingship with the other friends.. We have not really spoken like before..Every time it occurs in my brain, 总会很空虚, 怀念是一定有的..我还是以前的我, 但是或许会被认为, 有了新朋友, 就会不理会以前的所做所为..I doesn't have this kind of thinking..Everyone will like to gain and would not like to gain losses..
Notices the changes, I was like..What am I doing..And other things that bothers me...Decided to let the time to pass by...
Maybe coz of this, I've beginning to staying more quiet as usual..The mindset was there, but sometimes when alone, I will think elsewhere..This cant be prevented.My slight dis-focus have quite done abit of not in the right frame of mind..But im still balanced..No worries:)
如过有"时光随道"..这种东西存在, 我想我会过的更快乐..
Friday, July 4, 2008
Hmms.. Thursday was simply just a weird day
Came to school early to managed some projects work...Programming was really not the type of future working life..Guess if the moonlight up there, were to give me much hope.. I would like to succeed in working in the design industry.. *Dreaming**
In the midst of the afternoon, while the same flowing schedule of thursday is undergoing..
3 大牌人物 (important person..*like duh*), which is our course manager came to our class to conduct a *first time ever spot checking* in my poly life..
"Spotchecking"?!.. Weird kinda' of situation..
Just thought that I will smoothly gone through this sudden spotchecking.. As I think I have met their suppose* requirement...One of them walk past me, with a curious look on whether I was wearing sandals to school.. But, is my bag that blocks his view..Haas!
Gone through the night classes again and went to Harry's to watch kewei performs..
Looking forward to the outing with kelly & Peiyi this evening..
It's Friday!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I wander & wandered in my past three days..
Past three days.. Have been a see-sawing mood.. which I had suffered moments of happiness, sadness, frustration and contented..
Mon -- Went to school till 2pm..The weather was *omy tian* sunny.. Went home to take for a quick rest till 4.30pm, to go down to mediacorp to accompany kaili who was at there..while waiting to see "YiXuanFeng" performing in superband. The outcome for that night had me fazed, meanwhile staring in blank...
* Although the road to superband glory has came to a halt, but the injection towards music will be always there..Must continue to persue your journey down towards music..
Contented..Able to saw peifen both sunday and monday.. Though is just a waving and certain words to me.. I'm easily being contented.. coz' every small bits forms up a huge happiness puzzle..
Tues & Wed -- Was busy working on the project. It was tough *obviously, Haas.. Programming lehx..".. There was frustration, but when it turns out well, the moment of *woohoo* cames..Went to see kewei performances and came across to the nearby starbucks to have a causal talk with Xueting and Kailin..Share lots of things..*Contented*
Just a random before ending the post..Came across looking at my schmates, Siti *Big frame* spectacles.. Kinda' interesting..Decided to put it on, meanwhile wondering what will I look if I will to look like this..
" Captions from someone..the person should be
reading this entry, should know le..Heh=)
I Look very 宅男 in this pic!!"
P.S. To Kaili.. Don't sad le..cheer Up! *Gives you moments of happiness*
Thursday came..Night Class to follow.. Yawnsive**