Monday, July 21, 2008
Counting..Four days since I've lasted my words here.
This weekend..have been filled with happiness.
Have let the time goes by, focusing on one person "Milk..叶乃文"..
Saturday -- Went down to the nearest shopping mall near my housing state to collect my Milk album.. Was in a normal mood at that time and went down to J8 to get my album being signed.
5.30pm ticks..Milk's appeared..Was in a hype mood when watching him performed 脱逃术 and 热牛奶 respectively..Get it captured..
*He performed another turn when performing his move during the 脱逃术 performance.. but it was cool!!
Waited for the albums to get it signed personally by him.Although the entire process takes longer than expected, but it's worth it as managed to take a duo pics with him..*Specially likes it as this is the first time that I would be able to have a picture with a talented artiste like him..Happie Many Many!

You are impressive..Jiayous..
Sunday -- Went down to LWS music school open-house and came down to IMM to catches Milk's, energy as well as other artiste peforming in 933 金曲全威25 concert..The atmosphere was so high!! Especially when Milk perform on the stage with energy since 5 years ago.."爱到某年某一天..~~" as well as Milk performance..Peiyi, Xueting, Olivia and guys were there..Especially peiyi and olivia..Hahas! Congrats on 933 top20 charts for the 25 year anniversary..Keep going!!
Will be attending superband and continuing turning around on 牛奶
- @ Nyp, "舞是刀"校园音乐会
- Superband as special guest
Good lucks on the 6 groups performing today..
Will be attending superband and continuing turning around on 牛奶
- @ Nyp, "舞是刀"校园音乐会
- Superband as special guest
Good lucks on the 6 groups performing today..
*Someone is getting her pre-birthday present.. Hmm~