Saturday, July 12, 2008
Decided to come and do a posting while waiting for the Camera and PSP to be charge till to a certain limit..ZzzZz.
Thursday -- Went to school during the morning to handle with the project stuff..It was getting tougher as the projects flows go on..Was also rushing for the powerpoint which is going to be presented during the following day..*pia aR.!* Went through the night classes again and went to meet up with Joey @ Northpoint..Managed to share her's and mine thoughts..Though was only an hour long conversation..we've chatted alots..Thanks for spending some of your time to have a chat with me..There's alots of chances to come..I believe..Thanks lots!
of shots, I had taken with her..coz' the other shots
Friday -- Went through a tense period during the presentations..Thanks god, nothing goes wrong during the entire process..and type pages of test plan afterwards. And heard from mates..Emily..不下苦功, 但是分数全归你..难道一点心虚都没有吗? I don't want to say much about the guy..Just that if emily read this entry, you should know who I referring to..
Went out to accompany mum to have lunch and a walk with her..And met up with my sis and her friend @ geylang..Have a nice feast of dinner ... 田鸡粥 and another dish of 豆苗..Ate quite fast, as if I was dying of hunger..Took some pictures at there.. will be posted up later..
Its' weekend!!
Went out to accompany mum to have lunch and a walk with her..And met up with my sis and her friend @ geylang..Have a nice feast of dinner ... 田鸡粥 and another dish of 豆苗..Ate quite fast, as if I was dying of hunger..Took some pictures at there.. will be posted up later..
Its' weekend!!