Sunday, August 31, 2008
Recently..was Kinda' into listening soothing music..
Most of them, emo till don't know till which limit..
Is not me suffering from any depression or otherwise..
Is just wanna use this collections of songs, to analysis myself of the recent positive and negative happenings..
龚诗嘉 - 远远在一起
江美棋 - 夜的诗人
While listening, lots of memories from the past..
Seems that I miss out something that lies in front of me in the past relationship..
Gonna catch the Wall-E later..
Should be a nice movie to captures attention of the viewers..
Friday, August 29, 2008
It's small weekend..
nd also the first weekend of the 7 weeks break..
Yesterday, went to catch Hiroshi and Jonathan together with their school band (Ten minutes late) performing with kelly and peiyi..Meanwhile, to be attentive, was rather impressed with a particular band of the drummer.. observing his drumming skills.. good technique..a guy who will go far in this music world..
And went to have penang lor mee for dinner.. Nice~
Was kinda yawnsive this noon..
Decided to listen songs..
Was kinda like the songs from JS band - 爱情背包客
But for me, I think this song..
Melody and lyrics.. 描述了我一些现在所面对的实际..现实
- 平行线
我听见 她说出那句似曾相识的再见
想忘却 等待着未知爱情那种不确定的感觉
Enjoy the weekend.. guys and ladies..
woah~so formal sia..zzz
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
近期, 被一些很令人反感的事件和某某人受影响..
这些点点滴滴, 让我一时发觉到...
- "人都会带着一个无影的面具, 是恶或是毒的一面.."
- "好人不一定会有好的回报, 反而在你不知时.得寸进尺../抢走属于你的东西
我太傻了, 好不好
决定化悲愤, 转换成推动力..
Happie that, had accomplished the 2 weeks for muggling of the 3 exams...
Although, for one of them which still sitting in my mind,
Still blaming myself for that, in fact its matters about me..
Anyway, It's holiday..!!
Monday, straight after exams, went together with siti and geetha to Cisco tower to try out luck working for F1 security coming september..How I wish I was born in the 87'..I just one age off the requirement...*smack myself* And went to catch superband during the night..Tookfter pics with Jason and en-en after the show...Thanks, en-en as she mentioned that last time I was requested was exactly one month ago.Hahas..
Tuesday, Went for another job chinatown there..It seems this job is really getting into hand as received a called this morning while I was sleeping..Hahas..And went to vivo to take whole lots of pics with siti and geetha..Will come out with a combination soon..And went to great eastern building to look for peifen and mary..^^

as I was requesting for a *自拍和照"..
she requesting for standing behind
coz' she wanna look smaller in the picture..-.-
will eat more de, although it seems the body doesn't work..
Then later in the nite, went down to wala wala to see kewei performance...
Shall end my update here le...
Shall end my update here le...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
This post today..
Really take me quite a while to think about it..
I think I use words to explain it..
I was there to clear it, because there's are things that happened totally wrong in the miscommunication..
I sense it and was there to explain the entire actual situation..
What's the use of hiding? Did hiding gain any positive point?
我相信, 人不应该隐瞒别人..
To Miss.J - Apologised for not mentioning well when is the actual period this happens.
For the designs, if I have the intention that i didn't want to do it, I should have say le..But I didn't, cos' I make the agreement, I wont backed out.. As for the delaying, I always was feeling bad cos' of the sch assignment that will affect my studies..and thanks for the 体谅 from Miss.P.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Updates again..This is going to be a long entry..
让老父子在他的space.. summarise
Friday..went to Chongqing's 周公讲鬼 autograph session..was happy for him that his album was finally released..Those stories will a worth to listen, so do grab a copy as well to support him..
Managed to saw yahui, Mutong as well as..peifen..Hahas!
Saturday.. It was mainly in a High mood rather than the negative.. My beloved bag zipper went to the cloud nine..Arghs! But sincerely thanks to joey for the saving..Thanks alots..
Around 4.30pm, finally met hazel for the first time..we turned an u-turn to the Hong Kong cafe which we had met at the hmv earlier on..Managed to get a interactive chatting with her .Managed to get to know much about each other..and managed to get a picture with her before she left..

While walking towards there, we went past a balloon sculpture tent for the charity, so me , rah and joey donated and get the balloon we wanna..and Js and rah was so scared that the birdie balloon siting on the seat between them will burst anytime..Madnesss~~Then off to esplanade to catch the performance..
Random pics..Balloon siao

Was delighted to catch kewei performance, that was a nice performance.. Jiahui was there and managed to get catch her on performance for quite a while.. Kaira Gong.. The vocal was always there and the 2nd song kept me in solemnly on the atmosphere..
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Updates again..Hahas..(:
Tuesday, Had went down to see kewei performance @ wala wala..
Was in a bad mood that day..Simply want to find a good music to soothe my mind
It works together with my sis and the 3 of my friend encouragement
Thanks gals..Thanks for brighten my mood
Though, it was simple but it was enough..
And went to meet her( She should know who I'm referring..Hahas!) wednesday to have dinner with her..
So glad to find you to talk to..
Thanks many many!
Just saw one of my friend post on her blog..
My situation..seems to be similar to hers..
Yesterday, I did mention that I was facing one of the lowest in my life..
But when seeing her post today, give me the urge to says out my thoughts as well..
One and half years ago, I came into this course
was exceptionally glad that I'm able to step into poly, as I may ended up in army right now serving instead of extending my studying years
Hence, during the first year..Though able to cope with most of my work even though I was indeed under pressure..
Programming, wasn't one of my best
and networking, I admitted..I was simply weak since the ITE days
Well, Managed to get over it with some self motivation and some friends encouragement
Before the 2nd year starts, was looking at the arranging of the schedule..
In fact, I was nervous but insist on going forward..
People have kept asking before the 2nd year, whether would I like to switch to the multimedia course which I should actually be in..
In fact, the outcome I have to pay was to repeat the 1st year.
I did think twice, when this sentences kept appearing on my mind..
But I've told myself, I had done so much for the first year, I shouldn't waste it
But after yesterday, this thought come to my mind again..
I have also saw my former sec. sch mates, who have ended their school journey at ITE
they look so carefree..without burden..
Useless of me..
2 what if.. appears in my mind..
1. What If I ever change course
2. What If one day, I decided to end my studies in a sudden..
I will insist to keep on fighting, cos there is still another half journey to go..
Maybe I was thinking too much..really
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
19 August 2008, A day to forget about it..
Really, Nothing to blame
I have really got to blame myself..
I wasn't in the right form today..
I've blanked out myself in a sudden..
Thanks to you..(Haas! You & you should know who I referring to..Hahas!)
Thanks for the 开导..
谢谢你 many many..
I will bring my ownself back again..
我要从失败里, 战斗..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It's time to update my space again..
Talk about saturday bahs..
Notice the coordination..
Still can't?
The heights was a triangle..(:
It was a really a whole entire day at orchard..Went to meet up with "rahhh..." to accompany her to go to "stage"..Through the whole daytime, a word that always wandering around our brain. "Tempted"..She was eyeing for the cap while I was staring at the Tee. Wandered around the shop twice in 2 hours..during the two hours, have our meal and were gossiping..
Suppose to meet joey at around 6pm. But was late due to shops with rah. Paiseh*..And rah bought a stage cap after 2 atms..*(Gonna have people slap me already)..After that went to cine to meet up with joey and have our meal at the HK cafe with js joining for the meet-up. Went to watch 12 Lotus. The story concept captures me. Thanks Jimmy for the movie treat and joey for the meal treat..Will repay my faith..
To summed up the night, went to starbucks to have long~ gossiping..Managed to know alot of facts that I didn't realised before..Have our gossiping session till the shop closes..Thanks gals, for sharing each other thoughts, those 大大小小, 是是非非 matters..心知我知..decided not to blogged it out here..I've never mentioned it here coz I still treated you as friends..
忏悔..为何当初自己发现了, 坚持自己的立场而不更改
还是死心塌地, 坚决自己是对的
钢索, 只有你能把它给揭开..
Jimmy, thanks for the "Million dollar joke".Im freezed..hahas!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yesterday..went to school for revision during the noon..
And during the night, went to have a good meal.. hungry can..
Even though ate 4 packets of "chipsmore" during the day..
*Hiak Hiak!*
During the early morning..Cant get to sleep..
Therefore have some interest..
Found out another t-shirt captures my attention besides stage
Newbie!! Hahas..
Before ending this entry.. Would like to showcase this..

So boliao larhs..
This does suits me..走在潮流的老夫子...
Kinda old but stylo~mylo..
I like this so much..Hahas!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mixed feelings during the past 2 days..
Monday was in anguish mood..Perhaps several of them should know what's going on actually..But to those others that doesn't know about it. One sentences to say, 让时间环绕着, 说了也只能把焖气累积在心里..
Tuesday, was in a Happy mood..
That particular afternoon, meanwhile was mugging on the module slides, 忙里偷闲..with a sudden urge from geetha to find our name did appear on the google search engine..Suddenly have the urge to find my best form teacher during secondary school days..In an coincidence situation, founded her in the facebook..the mood was suddenly brightens up..And was happy for her that she was married..祝她一切幸福美满..She's the one who kick start my motivation till here..Suddenly I do feel that I own her alots..Thanks, Miss Fong
During the night, Went to celebrate kewei's advance birthday..@ Wala Wala..Managed to see those presents that xt prepared for kewei..Really, having seen her gone through up and downs while doing all this present just for kewei..Was touched that she devoted most of her time while doing all this for her..
To summed up the entry...I end up with this picture..
Monday, August 11, 2008
I'm here again to 长编大论..
Let this 老夫子 begins his words:
Saturday was really full of enjoyment..Besides it was national day..It's a day that you will feel that life is easily contented..
Went to tampines mall during the looked for weibin & jiafa..and chatted with them for a short while...and before leaving for meeting joey and guys.. Took a picture wif dem...
she mention that its a coincidence that all wore black..
Quite a combination..indeed..
Went to cine. to meet up with joey and guys..Was rather in a paiseh* mood as was being late for around 20 minutes..Kept apologising..Went to Hongkong restaurant with the guys for a feast of dinner before setting off to City Hall to watch the fireworks..Had Curry chicken with rice during the meal..*Should be my signature meal whenever I come to there le bahs..
Went to see the fireworks during the nite..Was crowded dao~~when stepping in from the City Hall Mrt to the Marina Square. Went up to level 3 to watch the fireworks..More crowded..Sweat it out*..Many "Ohh!!Ahhs~" shouting occurs even before the fireworks appears..*Ear drum 受罪了..*

Out of the many photos taken..
Especially, liked this..
Saw the heart shape..
Went to see the fireworks during the nite..Was crowded dao~~when stepping in from the City Hall Mrt to the Marina Square. Went up to level 3 to watch the fireworks..More crowded..Sweat it out*..Many "Ohh!!Ahhs~" shouting occurs even before the fireworks appears..*Ear drum 受罪了..*
Especially, liked this..
Saw the heart shape..
Further walk down to clarke quay to have some deserts and went back home..
Thanks for the happy moments..guys..
Best lucks to the 6 groups performing tonite..Muz vote for dem..!!
Juz a random pic before signing off this entry..
Thanks for the happy moments..guys..
Best lucks to the 6 groups performing tonite..Muz vote for dem..!!
Juz a random pic before signing off this entry..
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Its' 09 August.. It's every singaporean day!! Lols!
Have been exceptionally in a good mood for the last few days..Things have turned quite a good turn..Quite delighted n pleased..
For the past 2 days..Nothing much actually except having having a great feast of dinner with laojie and her friend..Fish Head Curry, Prawn omelette..Best lah!!
Meanwhile was watching the Beijing Olympics yesterday nite, randomly came up with a mindset that what if one day, NDP can come up with a high-class and more co-ordinate performances..That should catches my interest..Was discussing and till then NDP didn't captures my interest lots..
To summed up the entry.. Do remember to catch "Calefare" on channel 5 tonite..debut episode, featuring gurmit, utt, fiona and benjamin..A good english drama to look forward..
Majulah Singapura~~
Majulah Singapura~~~
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Three days didn't blogged le..
Have been busy with the today's lab test, (Machine Device Interfacing) .. ^^
Must thanks Mates.. Geetha for planning those super tough questions..
Challenging but good practice...Good job done..Hahas!
The process is quite alright today..
But overall, the results should be even better than the previous test..
I promise myself not to make silly mistakes (I still remember that mistake n thanks god I did not do it this time round)
But, I was late for the lab test by 5 mins..Gosh!
Hope to get good results for that..
Monday went to superband and dreamsfactory went out..But the vocalist careen was still one of the female vocalist that it impresses me..
Tuesday -- Was feeling quite moodless so decided to drag myself out of the house to go for study with the mates (Geetha, nabi and siti)... It was so funny can..
Bus driver uncle turned to the wrong route..
the primary schools children was starting to nag/complain to driver
Driver was in a mess mind of whether to turn left or right..
He make a big U-turn at the district to make it to the right route..
I was laughing and the uncle beside me was shaking head in dismiss..
And anyway, have to thanks the taxi driver uncle for the kind ride by not claiming 3.40 for a 20 cent increment of ride..I quite surprise that time, thanks lots uncle..
Wednesday- Went to school for revision with dominic, josh, kim wee and geetha..Thanks josh and dominic for the teaching..And went to mediacorp to meet up with olivia.. N went to meet xt during the night at Indochine to summed up the day..
Will blogged in another entry soon..
Monday, August 4, 2008
It's Monday..
It's isn't a school day for me ..And just feel moody..
Just feel boredom..instead of facing the mates (*the laughter that always clouds around the labs*)
Imagine..what if the September long holidays to comes..
It's just won't be the same..
Weekend..was kinda in an off-tune mood..
Went down to j8 during the noon to look for liyi..meanwhile have some basic workout on the basketball and managed to catch some chit-chat and take a duo pics with her..
It was off too early after that, before meeting joey during the evening..
Suddenly thought of the previous night, that read through ah-teng blog and "stage" webby..
and went down to "Stage" to take a look at the renovation as well as the stocks they just brought in..Glamourous is just the word I'm describing it..
Sunday..went down to Jurong Point to meet up with Joyce and Xt to have a meal (Humourous is that, we are not really hungry leis..lols!) before setting off to Jurong West to catch a "National day celebration" conducting at there..cos Cuifang and pornsak was the host that evening.Managed to take a pic with cuifang to summed up the day and back to "home sweet home~~"..
Going down to mediacorp to catch superband..Best lucks to the 5 groups that will be performing...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
It's Saturday...
Yesterday..went down to Causeway Point with mum to shop with her. Meanwhile, went pass Courts..Was tempted by a home desktop PCs..Stylish and quite equipped with the requirements that I wanted and also come with a mini laptop that can bring anywhere I go..*Tempted*..
During the evening went down to "The Cathay" to meet up with xt to do her own stuff... brought my beloved along (Laptop):X..and have this flavour of drink again
Was somehow attracted by this 郭采洁 - I remember
Meaningful and brought me back alot of memories...
Do u know that I'm OK
are there things you wanna say
thinking of u night and day
hopping you'lle back and stay
I remember when u told me
I'll be all right
Don't worry
I try and try to understand
is all this just a sad goodbye
thinking of u night and day
no matter if you'lle and stay
I remember when u told me
I'll be all right
just hold me
I don't wanna close my eyes tonight
missing u make me cry
your love will give me strengths to carry on
you'll always be my heart and mind
so I don't wanna close my eyes tonight
I know it's just a miss match in time...why..oh why...
miss match in time..
Meanwhile, added and set the theme song for the blog..
Let's bring back the retro's 80s..小虎队-星星的约会..
Thinking back when I'm young..This song was so popular and being liked..
and I played the bad boy.. strapping off the cassette tape from the drawer..