Today gonna be a little different..
In the case of the way of this entry goes..
In one particular day of the weekend, At a very busy corner..of a shopping mall

Should say he shouldn't be born in the year of dragon but should be in the year of pig
He managed to catch a nap in a busy and noisy environment,
where loads of people is walking around..
In this type of environment, he can sleep for a duration of 35 minutes..
带着希望的心情, 但是把失望的心情回去..
This sentences, just managed to describe my weekend..
Have been thinking how to present it in a way, that I always request a specialty idea for her present every year..By staring with the mind tinkering, would like to d.i.y. something this time decided to spent my whole evening, went down to the nearest shopping mall to select the suitable design and materials..and spent the late-nite hour to personally design it..perhaps this is the first time I've worked on d.i.y. stuff..

went down to vivo to try out luck in claiming the finals superband tickets..but didn't claim it as there's wasn't enough..meanwhile, met kelly, peiyi, nanbin and emily at there...
Went down to the Alexandra road there, hope to pass this belated b'day card to her..but it's late and she left..Mood was then reaches ground zero by then..And was all the way moody to far east plaza, even though the gals tried to bring my mood up..Thanks, but mood was always there..And just trying to reduce the mood, dozes off..In the evening, went down to cineleisure for a k-session with joyce gwee..The night was well spent and thanks for the accompany..

and thanks joyce.
People once said this.."why always put others in front than your own self"
或者可能在别人的眼里, 太蠢了..
比如说..送一个巧克力或者其他的东西, 并不需要在一定的日子或节日..
或者说你愿意帮助她/她 matter how small or large, as in the sense of good deed..
这种看到人欣慰, 是蛮有满足感的..
可不希望有一天离开了人世, 有遗憾..
Wednesday was really moody for decided to take a breathe by taking the trip down to stage and bought a "BB guy charm" handphone key chain..and look for xt to help out in some editing and cutting on some audio clips..
Thursday..went out to orchard again during early afternoon, to accompany rah to stage to purchase the key chain she wanted..quite awkward that feeling bad she accompany me to paya lebar to return the modem to the singapore post..
Soon, went back to hmv (which was at orchard again, lmao) search for MLB album. In fact, the album was out at the racks and I spotted the album for her, as she went straight to dbsk rack without noticing. -.-". Soon madness came when I informed her about the album and she was jumping happily and the staff around there was glancing..
Look how happy she was..

Went down to meet lao jie for dinner, as well as accompany her to pre-order Jay Chou album..Was tempted by the rubic cube of jay's new album..and went to the cathay, one of the restaurant's at there to have a meal. Ordered a fried rice and strawberry hot tea.. Its was fully fragrance before started on the meal. Thanks laojie for the meal..^^

just recovered from the recent illness..
But is valuable, it's just 13++ nett.
2nd post of the day..
Last sunday..was really long awaiting..Get off from the dreamland trail to get ready to J8 to catch Elva Hsiao performing..five years later, she was here again..The previous year, she should have appeared in town for the promotion of "1087" album..
这是有感染力的坚强, 勇敢的 Elva"
The following pictures is credited to chris.. Thanks for the photos.. (:

Last monday, wugeren was eliminated from superband..but was really a massive achievement to come into so far, especially just one more step to reach the finals. Experience factors..a talented band with lots of 才华 in each of the band members..a bright future in the music industry as superband provided a new platform to their 音乐世界..青春就是本钱..Nice to meet u guys throughout the months..jiayous..
Hmms.. This entry is gonna be loads with pics..
Saturday..Went down to Cineleisure to look for Hazel as she was performing a gig for the Paralympics honour celebration and went to have a quick lunch at hk cafe before heading off to meet kelly to see Yxf. performing their gig @ the home club, Glad
to see them performing again..meanwhile saw stefy, lijuan and jiamei at dere..and went to have *bak ku teh* for dinner..
Credit to kelly for the taking of the pics..(:(:

Sunday -- slept late around 3am and wake up in the day, to catch elva at J8 (will be especially posted in the next entry...) and soon went to look for weibin..Thanks lots for the concern..Have quite a nice chat since last seen her for quite a long period..
Went down to meet rah during the evening to catch the movie "The disaster"..

Before meeting them, went to far east plaza.. the souvenir shop as rah wanna find something at there..meanwhile, coincidence is that I spotted dbsk in one of the shop and while walking down to the next level, heard m.l.b "lei" coincidence for her and she went madness.Hahas
Went to meet join wif her, chantrice and Mr.J for dinner at hk cafe.. and met with a weird scene..
While waiting for the pork floss congee to be served..
And when the 3 pots of congee was being served, confusions begins and we are puzzling who's congee was whose...and makes me really *mind blank*
the congee was presented without the topplings of the "pork floss"
and the staff replied with "Sorry, the congee was presented at first as they realised the pork floss was not being added when it was served at first.."
but it was kinda' memorable to me..
coz' of the above matter mentioned..
*I was being treated speechless by then..-.-"*
Meanwhile spotted a shop named "B.I.R.D.S" and came up with this
"Why do flocks of birds like to gathered along the MacDonald at lido..coz' just beside it was "B.I.R.D.S" as their based area"..
Enjoy the gathering with you guys..especially the weekends..
look forward to this week..Hmms~
Will update very soon...
2.27am and counting...
Just wanna do a random update..
Simply "random"..
19th day of
went to Kino. before meeting her then, was glancing at the foreign magazine column where malaysian and taiwanese megazines is being stacked.. Was kinda got into attention by knowing that a new drama consisting of artiste like Wilber and Rainie acting in it..But caught into bizzare, a person response that it appeared around one and a half weeks ago.. *Hmph*
Saturday..while was traveling to the city to have a friend meet up by boarding the train. Meanwhile was deleting the whole lots of message sitting inside the handphone inbox, delete till I doze off..while was reaching newton, "Piak" and the handphone randomly dropped to the floor and was finally awakened..Haiz*
Should be rest too much that causes the sleepiness occuring at the wrong timing...
As was restricted to a number of foods..
Its quite a long while, since finishing the last sentences in the previous entry..
Finally, the fourteen days spent was over..
But, it was wisely spent, during that period..
Meanwhile, have gonna into the mood of being a 宅男.. but I know personally that I'm not up to it..
Have managed to found some new interest also..
Might find it kinda' weird, because it's something that those children shouldn't learn..
That is.. Mahjong..But no cash rewarded, only credits earned, cos' it was viwawa
Especially yesterday night, the 牌 was really going my direction and win 5 rounds in all..
Simply likened the two kakis..
To someone: Mahjong..this kinda of special added entertainment to me was simply not my dad or relative teaches me..Is just kinda some observation and love those games that requires technique and strategy..
To Rah and others friends: Thanks lots for spending the time I endured by enduring those 无理头 jokes and the causal conversation..
Able to go out later, was kinda 期待..
Over the days, will be meeting them..
Especially the weekly kakis..
And also most wanna see, Elva Hsiao..
Madness~ she appearing in J8 for 龙虎榜 and the auto. session..
Update soon (:
This day, is always very special..
Cos' its someone b'day today..
This particular post is dedicated to her, peifen
This post is specially dedicated to her as this should the 4th/5th year into supporting her since..
From the starting of xgjy, which I was starting recognize to your voice into the radio industry..but the real period that motivates me was during your night hosting nyx castle (尼克斯的城堡)..have been catching it every night and this programme was being stayed for being quite a long period of time..meanwhile was glad to hear your shift during the hosting in the evening shift 哥哥妹妹站起来, the night shift hosting with jiahui P.J party, the noon shift 下午茶白日梦 as well as the current shift with cruz 就是万人迷..
Also glad that you have been growing consistently also within the tv screen with 到底在那里, 绝对superstar final, 非常superband 1 final, 美丽百分百, the star awards 2006 series as well as the recently s-pop, 简单就是美 and the current 非常superband..and also happie for her to produce her radio programme stories 大头芬的世界.
Would like to wish her a memorable b'day this year and best lucks in whatever she pursues and also in her career..hope this year will be even memorable to her..
Best wishes,
Hmms~today is lantern festival..
yet another traditional day that the Chinese's would emphasizes..
This year has been different,
different as in unable to eat those lovely mooncake's sitting beautifully on the mooncake container..
this year, the packaging was so nice..Hahas!
Simply like the retrolism feels..of the packaging.

There's isnt any mood to celebrate this year..
Gonna heard alots of lantern melody, which the child will be carrying tonite..-.-"
Every year of this period is gonna be the nicest
Happy lantern festival everyone..^^
Should be updating this space here..
It's a breeze..exactly one week has gone for my suffering of
"chicken pox" -.-"
it's gonna be weekend again, thats where the good things or events is gonna be missed for yet another week..shag"..
Well, for the past few days, besides my 闷到不能说 schedule..
sleeping, having my blend meals, teevee, newspaper and megazine and games
frankly, this all things is boohoo...
doesn't like the blend food currenly having
moodless to do anything currently
after tomorrow, its going to be six days.
I gonna catch up with you guys and females..friends~
and won't 自拍 for a period, coz' I prefer the before look of me..
Yeays, s.h.e new album comes le..
thanks YJ for the helping of pre-order
very looking forward of the pre-order items and the album..
update soon...(:
Another music talent have been lost..
God bless be happy with life in the other world
Though didn't get to meet her in person or any other form of communication
But she captures my attention...
Nicole laoshi..
rest in peace..
Hais..This is simply too sudden..
This Human poison spores founded on me yesterday..
Which is *Chicken Pox*..
Prohibited my routine outdoor activities for a (considerably to be a long period for me)
Went to the pharmacy yesterday.. being given a whole big pack of medicine, that I have to eat 4 times, every 4 hours and consecutive 10 days..
To stay at home for the 2 weeks, hope it will end in 10 days.
facing the teevee, playing my psp and able to online during the day to evening..
Blend food was really tiring me..But I had to endure..that's for sure..
Gonna miss lots of things this period
I do feel that I'm seeing infinitive times of my mum, meanwhile able to know what teevee programmes mediacorp is showing..lols?
For sure.. I must be back to full fitness during 20th..
Coz' Elva Hsiao is coming to singapore..
Thanks for the best wishes from the friends
I will overcame this with my mentality
敌人不是在于他人, 是在于如何克服自己..
By this time I'm still blogging (2am)..besides now using my sis laptop and still running a fever and occurrance headache...Worst come to worst, my modem is being declared *doom*..As I found out that the modem verdict is, it contains internal damage..Was in a dazed mindset..
Tired of boredom. Without serious thoughts.. just to be free of myself despite being sick..went out to marina square to find chantrice and rah..meanwhile saw yifeng as she having a recording for the new show..and went to "Hot Pot" for dinner.. was nearly decieved by the name of the restaurant..valuable and affordable price..Like the mini steamboat..^^
Still nursing my current condition..
I wanna my modem..internet..Hahas..
Meanwhile, SHA (Singapore Hit Awards) arrived again..Vote for your favourites singer/group in the different categories..More information on
Another entry for today..
Just to summarize the days before that I've gone through..
Sunday - Went down to meet rah to catch the "Wall-E".. The movie, although has left narration, but it's a movie worth to watch.. Like the characters.. "Wall-E and Eve".. It's basically a normal love relationship, which have it's up and down but end with a positive outcome..Do catch this movie..while it is still showing on the cinemas.
Visit the Wall-E movie main site..was liked by the innovative animation..
And went down to far east plaza one of the restaurant and down to hong kong cafe at cineleisure with the same group of friends to have a long casual conversation..the most amused of the whole conversation is that the washing machine there have an antenna, when the washing machine is running fast, the better the internet connection it is..Hahas~~ Nice to have a long laugh with you guys..
Monday went down to see the superband revival..Congrats to C-Star and Wugeren back into the top 8.. Wishes the team best of out the best luck to continue further in their surge to the music dream...
Will update more tomorrow..(:
Hmm..Should throw words into this blog before it goes stale.. :X
Last Sat..went down to the NUS High School to catch a charity performance..was impressed with the malaysian vocalist.. (*Paiseh arh.. not sure about the name, tsk*)..And also saw hazel, ruoyi and elson took part in the performance.. After watching the performance, went down to meet JS, rah, chantrice, joey and xueting to have dinner at simei.."Eighteenth Chef" restaurant..
She should know why lahs..Hahas
* If you are unable to remember the calculation of the volume,
There is this formula, which you saw on the above picture..
22/7 = 3.142..*
Scrambled eggs with ham and sausages
inside with the black pepper sauce..
And went to the starbucks nearby to have some casual conversation..
Nice gathering guys..till around 11..
The Nite is still young..for me lahs..tsk*