Sunday, September 28, 2008
带着希望的心情, 但是把失望的心情回去..
This sentences, just managed to describe my weekend..
Have been thinking how to present it in a way, that I always request a specialty idea for her present every year..By staring with the mind tinkering, would like to d.i.y. something this time decided to spent my whole evening, went down to the nearest shopping mall to select the suitable design and materials..and spent the late-nite hour to personally design it..perhaps this is the first time I've worked on d.i.y. stuff..

went down to vivo to try out luck in claiming the finals superband tickets..but didn't claim it as there's wasn't enough..meanwhile, met kelly, peiyi, nanbin and emily at there...
Went down to the Alexandra road there, hope to pass this belated b'day card to her..but it's late and she left..Mood was then reaches ground zero by then..And was all the way moody to far east plaza, even though the gals tried to bring my mood up..Thanks, but mood was always there..And just trying to reduce the mood, dozes off..In the evening, went down to cineleisure for a k-session with joyce gwee..The night was well spent and thanks for the accompany..

and thanks joyce.
要满足一个人不易, 当你满足不到一个人自然而然会满足不到自己..
People once said this.."why always put others in front than your own self"
或者可能在别人的眼里, 太蠢了..
比如说..送一个巧克力或者其他的东西, 并不需要在一定的日子或节日..
或者说你愿意帮助她/她 matter how small or large, as in the sense of good deed..
这种看到人欣慰, 是蛮有满足感的..
可不希望有一天离开了人世, 有遗憾..
People once said this.."why always put others in front than your own self"
或者可能在别人的眼里, 太蠢了..
比如说..送一个巧克力或者其他的东西, 并不需要在一定的日子或节日..
或者说你愿意帮助她/她 matter how small or large, as in the sense of good deed..
这种看到人欣慰, 是蛮有满足感的..
可不希望有一天离开了人世, 有遗憾..