Friday, October 31, 2008
Yawns. Friday early bird sleeping period was being dampened.
"water supply kena cut off..this morning..~" .. -.-"
in a short period, suddenly became the 临时"搬水"服务员..
Anyway, just wanna post up something here.
which I personally think the eng'rish’ is power la
Subject: Communication Breakdown ( telephone conversation)
Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan? (anyone )
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!
Operator: You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller: I'm Sam Wan( someone ). And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.
Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller: Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan( no one )was
involved in an accident. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being sent
to hospital. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital.
Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital,
then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I
don't have time for this!
Caller: You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator: I'm Saw Lee. ( sorry )
Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!
Special thanks to huiling for the email of the content.=)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, went to attend make-up class for the cover of festive day.
Ends around 6.20pm instead of the exact timing of 7pm.
However, after discussion with the 2 mates on a particular project,
we came up with a common interest topic to work about..
Might also do me a favour, shaking of the siansness of the handling of the 'coding' project.
Thursday, long.late hours coming..
shake off the *blues*..
Will be looking for *味道" megazine rolling down the street this month..
Do grab a copy, when it hits out to the streets.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A week has passed..haven't been update this space.
Long weekend has finally went "Hi and byes" in a glance.
During the weekend, went to chalet organized by chantrice..
Thanks alot for the invitation by being part of them to celebrate your 21st.
Happie belated birthday!
During the chalet, saw many of the friends again..and shawn was really hilarious.
Went to play
I'm the only the opposite gender at there playing..Hmm.
Won abit of money from the game..though I really poor on that.
Seriously it looks easy, but doesn't know that the rules plays a confused mind in my brain..
而且还有些时候, 慢很多"拍"..果然称为老父子并没错。。
“傻人有傻福吧。“ as wad kelly says. Hmm.
Also have to thanks chantrice mum, for the concern and help.
to end with this entry.

went down to expo, during the daytime of monday.
this sums up to the picture of the week.
Monday, October 20, 2008
That weekend, I'm seems to be fall in love in..
It's a food and not otherwise..
I'm fall in love with "Slice"
It has wide variety of flavours avaliable..
pointing out a few, like..summer fling (fresh mango cubes) , First Kiss (fresh strawberry cubes) and Funny Valentine (creamy sweet corn) and also others..Topping is also avaliable is basically a flavoured ice of layers with the addings of the topplings which has existed in taiwan for 30 years. (small captions from slice)

summer fling..
first kiss..
Beside the deserts alone.. was raptured into my attention was the decor of the entire restaurant..make it a clean environment and a soothing area to lies the way they play with shapes and objects placement.. And also the boss, a Taiwanese, who is very humorous and his kind treatment to the consumers was a great positive well as the other staff..
Would give them 4 stars of 5 for the entire packaging they put up..
do visit this restaurant at far east plaza, basement level. or visit for more information.
Meanwhile, was tempted with terriyaki chicken and the kungfu 奶茶 just opposite the restaurant alone..
to end with this entry..
Would give them 4 stars of 5 for the entire packaging they put up..
do visit this restaurant at far east plaza, basement level. or visit for more information.
Meanwhile, was tempted with terriyaki chicken and the kungfu 奶茶 just opposite the restaurant alone..
to end with this entry..
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Last friday..went down to catch the milo boys 迷路兵 performs and get their signature on their new release album..'Triangle'...Meanwhile, this montage says out the 点点滴滴 of that evening.

As you seen in the pictures, it was 20 CeeDee's in all..
Of coz', that's crop owner wasn't mine..
But, When it was placed flat on the floor,
it was a bizzare view.. and this is madness!

Long time didn't catches up with him..
he brings up lots of laughter during the wee hours..
and also the cold jokes..Hahas.
But in overall, still have to say this.
谢谢你很多, amigo..
This post is personally dedicated to grace..
Hey, grace..
If you are reading this..
I would like to express my consolence of the death of your mum..
even though, I didn't even met your mum before..
but heard it from you during the wwdz days..
was quite shocked and disappointed to hear this tragic news, this time round from friends around..
fight strong, grace
it's difficult, especially losing the kins that you are close with..
from the childhood days till now..
but, we..friends, will out there will be supportive to you..
my consolence..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Yeays..2 days have gone passed..
Well, the feeling was good..with the friends like Gee, nabi, siti and others..
Just enjoy the every moments with them..
Meanwhile, the module for this semester, seriously thinking
was even tougher then the previous term...
Guess..have to pull the trigger harder in order to stay firm..Hmms.
Someone's birthday is coming soon..
Thinking of ideas to make it presentable to her..
Which happen in around 2 weeks time..
It's gonna be short hours of sch day today again..whoots..
Monday, October 13, 2008
Spent the last weekend of this 'already over', semester break..
Went down to the home pub to catch yxf performance..Meanwhile, during that day, Wendy and gals also help to celebrate haoyang b'day coming this month..

During the evening, taken a train ride down to woodlands to meet up with rah and js, to watch L.W.S (lee wei song) school songs compositions competition. Was enjoyable and liked the performance of DaFengChui, they performed during the superband2..Liked the souvenir provided that night.

Sunday.. being tagged with sis to meet up with a whole new group of karaoke kakis at the lido there. Managed to get along with several kakis at there and met 2 kakis, strong in intimate 'ah du' vocal..But seriously, their vocal was impressive..And went down to causeway point to have dinner with the gals.
Being random..
To someone..
"your comp. is finally revived..but don't any how download le leix..Haiyos..Must really treasured your comp. from now on..=X"
Starting school in about an hour time...
Was in a mixed mind..But will be glad to see the mates again..
' Today is only three hours class..bleahx. '
Decided to end this entry with this picture..
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday..went to Seoul Garden with kelly and olivia to have a *can I say steamboat cum. buffet*..Stuck at there eat and eat and eat, without noticing the time, for around 3 hour and 15 mins. My feast was considered to be fine, but compared to them..of coz' their feast was better..clams, mussels..*hmm..
Actually that's the not main point..
*Came to bizzare that I've mistaken salted vegetables to *so-called abalone*..

So Malu leix..
the soap from ginseng chicken
to salted ginseng chicken..=.="
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sunday..went down to catch the superband final..
The mood atmosphere was High..Especially during 史诺鼻 and lucify performs..
Was especially impressed with one of the shiNobi member playing the cd-player..(*the style he play with the music to create effects), that was cool.. As well as mayday appears, the *woo.ahh..pipis* was arousing the theatre..especially 阿信 & 怪兽..

Hahas.surprised to heard him says
"ah? You kena chicken pox arh?"
But thanks lots, cavin for the concern..(:

Managed to get along to her,
she was really kind and cheerful..
Has a good character personality.*smiles*

enjoyed their performances that night
despite finished as first runner-up..
the innovative playing of '听妈妈的话' & '下一句广告'
the smoothness and 很注重感觉的 ' 伯乐'
the acapella of '第一个清晨'
was all wrap up the superband 2 competition..
As well as to congrats the winner, tuzi.
Really enjoy the screams, cheers
the laughters, the bonding with them
Able to know some of the members of different groups.
As well as the week-in-week-out supporting..
Jiayous guys in the music path..
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wednesday..that festival day went down to Hongkong cafe to have lunch with the 2 and managed to try out the new flavor. But I'm more preferable to the ice-cream instead of the beverage..Bought a 'Karter Charm' from stage..Saw kailin, xueting while on the way to board the train to toa payoh to meet up with laojie..
Went down to turf city to have a steamboat feast with sis and her friend. Just before going to filled the stomach with the foods, went to the 奇怪海鲜市场 glance at the numerous seafood types..

of "didn't see it before", as this crab is being
named as "Hairy crab"..
And went to the Chong Pang2-in-1 buffet to have steamboat. Both sis and her friend are so omg. that they went for a seafood slaughter..leaving me having to watch them onslaught..But was a nice feast in the end..Thanks sis, for the great meal..Hahas!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008's *public* holiday for most of the people..
I emphasized the word *public* as I was having my a month long break, which is being shortened to around 10- 11 days...
Anyway to the following people like Nabi, siti and the fellow Muslim friends of the secondary life, Happy Hari Raya Puasa..
In random, brought me back memories of the secondary school days where the Malays and the Chinese boys is so together.. play soccer in class and also after school hours and always discussing soccer knowabouts in class instead more on education...:X