Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday..went to Seoul Garden with kelly and olivia to have a *can I say steamboat cum. buffet*..Stuck at there eat and eat and eat, without noticing the time, for around 3 hour and 15 mins. My feast was considered to be fine, but compared to them..of coz' their feast was better..clams, mussels..*hmm..
Actually that's the not main point..
*Came to bizzare that I've mistaken salted vegetables to *
so-called abalone*..

不会吧?So Malu leix..
the soap from ginseng chicken
to salted ginseng chicken..=.="
Yesterday..Mum cooked this curry chicken as was grandpa death anniversary..Was wondering praying respect to grandparents can use "curry chicken"..and came to the conclusion that both of them likes curry chicken when they are around..

Sedap~Meanwhile she cooked only on occasions..
During the evening, personally went down to Amk carpark to look for peifen, to pass her honey lemon and *long belated birthday card*..Was glad that the card was personally pass to her..A simple thoughts can brighten up a person mood..Hope she liked it..(:

Update soon...