Monday, March 23, 2009
This entry is specially dedicated to my beloved kin.
Though she might not know the english here nor see the browser here, but still wanna give my best greetings.
Mum, Happy Birthday!
Hope you will continue to live happily and contented.
The most important is to stay healthy..
Best wishes. Son*
It's back to blogging. The last entry was 2 weeks ago..
Well, during the previous sunday, I've bought a new camera in replaced of the 7 years long sony camera. (which is considered to be outdated in terms of technology, but it's still can be wisely be made avaliable in the future)..
Past weekdays.. same routine. (*Those who knows, should be able to figure out)
During saturday, went to meet up js for dinner before setting off to campus reunion concert.
Saw the amazing things that she brought from taiwan and thanks for the gifts.

The above 2 pictures, might give you the bizzare looks.
and wait.. they are edible
the above one is a marshmallow
named "Sophie Marshmallow"..
And the other is not the item starting with the alphabet 'c'.
It's actually chocolate candy..
At the first glance, was really dazed.
But seriously taiwan was really 无奇不有..
suddenly have the urge to go taiwan.*dreams*
And went out today for a shopping during the late evening.
Meanwhile before I'm ready to return home, spotted this

It's doraemon favourite, dorayaki
Bought 2 of the flavours "Apple" and "strawberry" flavour back home.*Swee*

Hais. It's another week of fypj again. *dazed*
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This is a kind of random post..
This afternoon, meanwhile doing the Final year project, went to listen some album tracks.
And found out this album..超级偶像2 《我有我的惊叹号》
For those who have been following super-idol2 of a Taiwanese singing competition..
Yes, this album is being out..

And in the album, especially liked track 1 - 危机意识 by 艾成..
Which is currently playing my music player in the blog..
This song suits him, which is fast beat and R&B..
久违多时- 艾成回来了..
Hope this album will be out in singapore soon..
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Updates again..
Meanwhile, today was the third day of the final year project.
Went solo as teammate dex' didn't appear as he went for work..
Brought my earpiece today, to listen whole lots of music..
S.H.E concert soundtrack and blahs blahs blahs..
Neeways, today post is not about this.
Recently, everyone know the news of the merlion tio* by the lightning strike,
Shake head**
this came at a random, meanwhile looking back at the group of photos that Geetha sent to me.
where Nabi 'N' Geetha went for a outing.
The merlion was as usual the usual self.
The next day..